Phone: 01706 345886

Address: 169 Drake Street, Rochdale, OL11 1EF
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Investors in People Good Practice Health & Wellbeing Award

Board of Directors

Lynn Collins

Hi, I’m Lynn, the CEO of Blue Pits Housing Action. I’d like to introduce our Board of Directors also known as Charitable Trustees.

Our Trustees provide strategic leadership and have overall control of Blue Pits Housing Action. Our Trustees are responsible for making sure the charity is doing what it was set up to do. In our case;

  1. To carry on for the benefit of the community the business of providing social housing and any associated amenities, services, advice or assistance for persons: o in necessitous circumstances upon terms appropriate to their means; o for whom it would be charitable to provide housing

  2. To promote or carry out any other charitable purpose that can be carried out by a company registered as a social landlord with the tenant services authority or such similar authority from time to time.

Meet our Trustees:

Sarah-Jayne Anderson - Acting Chair

Sarah’s career began as a Police Constable with West Yorkshire Police. More recently, she transitioned to the Youth Offending Service, utilizing her skills to work with individuals with complex needs and diverse backgrounds, a role she has fulfilled for over 20 years.

In addition to her law enforcement experience, Sarah has expanded her professional scope by working with an ALMO for a Local Authority Housing Association. This position allowed her to deepen her understanding of housing-related matters and the broader community.

Recognising the value of continued learning, Sarah has chosen to complement her hands-on experience with further studies, earning a qualification in housing and letting. Her combined experience and education position her as a well-rounded professional with expertise in both criminal justice and housing sectors.

Kathleen Ince

Kathleen is a Youth Offending Team (YOT) Nurse, currently working with offenders to address their healthcare needs.

With extensive experience in delivering holistic healthcare to individuals with learning disabilities (LD) and complex needs, she advocates that stable accommodation is the fundamental first step towards recovery.

Kathleen has furthered her expertise by completing a post-graduate forensic mental health course at Manchester University.

Pete Ruddy

Pete is a retired Management Accountant. He has twenty three years’ experience working in the finance department of the NHS as a management accountant, working originally in North Manchester before moving to Pennine Acute services.

Christine Ince

Christine has a diverse professional background, including a volunteer role at Stockport Homes between 2007 and 2018, where she served on the Scrutiny, Equality, and Mystery panel and acted as Garden Inspector. She founded and served as Chair and Trustee for H3, an organisation dedicated to supporting homeless people into housing.

Christine was an Auditor at Stockport Housing Advice Centre for four years, responsible for ensuring the accuracy of paperwork and the relevancy of policy documents.

She was honoured as ‘Enterprising Citizen’ in the Proud of Stockport Awards 2012 for her voluntary work, and she has achieved a Level 3 Certificate in Housing Practice from the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) with Distinction.