Phone: 01706 345886

Address: 169 Drake Street, Rochdale, OL11 1EF
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Investors in People Good Practice Health & Wellbeing Award

Social Housing Complaints

Complaints about social housing services are managed following the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaints Handling Code

Blue Pits Housing Action (BPHA) aims to deliver a positive tenant experience by providing high quality supported housing and creating communities that are safe and secure and where our tenants are happy to live.

We are committed to listening to our tenants and dealing with their concerns and complaints, in a fair and impartial way. We are committed to ensuring fair and equal access to the process for all tenants.

To achieve this, we will:

  • View complaints positively
  • Treat all our tenants fairly
  • Apologise when things go wrong
  • Take prompt action to investigate and then put things right.
  • Learn from the mistakes we make
  • Commit to making improvements.


If you’d like to make a complaint:

For regulatory documents about complaints:

For earlier regulatory documents:

Complaints Web Form

You can send a complaint through the form below.

Blue Pits Housing Association is committed to understanding your complaint and putting things right when we have got things wrong.

If you are not happy with the quality of your housing service, including the timing and standard of repairs carried out in your home, or the contractors who have worked in your home, then please use this form to tell us what went wrong.

This will help us deal with your complaint quickly and we will do our best to put things right as soon as possible.

When we receive your complaint, we will let you know in writing within 5 working days and aim to agree on a solution.

If we need more information, we will get in touch with you. Please let us know how you prefer to be contacted: